Heideggar's Brilliance

· erock's devlog

A random thought about Heideggar and dasein
#musings #philosophy

Philosophers since Descartes had been trying to prove the existence of the external world, and Kant said it’s a scandal philosophers have not successfully proven the existence of the external world, and Heidegger said it was a scandal people are trying to prove the external world.

Rarely do I care to read the musings of a philosopher with more obscurity than my girlfriend’s makeup routine, but I do enjoy Heidegger’s distilled brilliance. Technology, something I think Heidegger denigrated vehemently for being antithetical to Being, is ironically illuminating his ideas on Being.

After reading my own writings, I fear as I think Heidegger did, that language is the core of obfuscating the meaning of being. We are bound by our rough modes of communication, and it seems more common than not that it confuses what we mean.

I find Heidegger to be a stunning case of irony: his verbose writing style describes precisely what he is ridiculing, the obfuscation of dasein.

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